NOAA National Data Centers,

On => On-Demand Mapping . .

(With a few words on Real-Time Mapping and Interactive Mapping)

On-Demand Mapping is an embryonic concept, resulting from

  1. The increase in power and speed of global data networking and transfer capabilities,
  2. The increase in power and speed of inexpensive computers accessible to laboratories, and even homes, and
  3. The increase in sophistication of data users, who often want different flavors of processed data than are currently supplied by data centers. These users are (because of #1 and #2 just above) now able to produce their own flavors of such data. They prefer their own data compilation/processing, as they can get the latest flavors of compilation/processing (where a data center may have settled on its flavor 10 years ago..). The user can also customize the processing, so that compromises that ultimately invade most such processing favor, rather than partially sacrifice, their own detailed needs.

All the new sophisticated user needs is source data, processing techniques, and enough savvy/information to help select the source data combinations and compilation/processing techniques to employ.

With on-demand mapping:

On-Demand Mapping has technological cousins in "Real-Time Mapping," sometimes called "Interactive Mapping." These terms describe mapping done by the user at the time of interest in the specific map. These terms emphasize the immediacy and user interaction with data and processing methods, whereas On-Demand Mapping emphasizes user-selection of mapping techniques and source data. The differences in meaning are slight, semantic, but real.

Here are some sites on the World Wide Web that discuss different aspects of On-Demand Mapping (including Interactive Mapping):

Here are some personal lists of links to other sites hosting Interactive Mapping:

Submit your favorite definition of On-Demand Mapping or related WWWeb-based mapping systems! Send us your favorite link to discussion on On-Demand/Interactive Mapping! Comments are welcome:

David Hastings
World Data Center-A, National Geophysical Data Center
303-497-6729 or

Revised: 21 December 1997

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